34-year-old pop star Peter Okoye has replied Jude Okoye who said he needed prayers this morning.
Firing back at his brother and manager Peter Okoye tweeted "You said I need Prayers! Bro you need GOD!" Peter Okoye has also continued to demand that Jude Okoye quits as the manager of Psquare.
Last night in a series of tweets Peter Okoye 34, ranted against his older brother and manager Jude Okoye while remaining loyal to his brother and singing partner Paul Okoye.
"I don't have a problem with Paul but the management" tweeted Peter Okoye. "My loyalty for psquare and the fans still remains 100%" he stated before adding "A manager is been employed by the artiste not the other way round. #truthBeTold."
The relationship between the brothers Peter Okoye and Jude Okoye has broken down to the extent that the singer tweeted a disclaimer stating that whoever does business with North Side Entertainment on behalf of Psquare is at his or her own risk.
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