Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Funny Reason why Police Arrested A Goat!

For repeatedly damaging a senior bureaucrat’s garden, Police in central India have arrested a goat and its owner.
According to a local official on Tuesday, Police in Chhattisgarh state sprang into action on Monday, registering a case against the man and his animal for chewing up the district magistrate’s garden.
They were later released on bail but face initial charges of causing mischief and damage to property, said officer Ram Sewak Paikra from Janakpur town in Korea district.
“The goat and the owner were under police custody and are out, as both the sections 427 and 447 of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) are bailable offenses,” Paikra told AFP.
He said the goat was allegedly a “repeat offender” in Janakpur town, some 340 kilometres (211 miles) north of state capital Raipur. Local media were running video footage of the offending and now tethered black goat.


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