Sunday, 13 March 2016

Married Gay Believes He’s Pregnant After Having S*x with His Gay Partner

An Indian man, 52, was hospitalized by a psychiatrist after his insistence that he had been impregnated after having a homos*xual encounter, Times of India reports.
The unnamed father of two had told his family that he could feel a baby moving around in his abdomen.

He was then taken to a hospital in Kunhitharuvai Memorial Charitable Trust Medical College where the psychiatric doctors concluded that he was suffering from “delusions” spurred by his secret s*xual relationship with another man. He admitted to doctors that his belief followed a homos*xual encounter.

Speaking on the rare incident, Dr PN Suresh Kumar – Head of the Doctors – said:
“We never came across this sort of case before. He was an active homos*xual in his adolescent years which may contributed to his beliefs. But, his homos*xuality did not affect his marriage,”
“Usually, we see couvade syndrome in some dads-to-be who show certain symptoms of pregnancy (like nausea, weight gain or sleep problems) when their partners get pregnant.”
Dr Kumar says that there didn’t seem to be any gender identity disorders and test results came back normal, despite the delusion which the patient’s doctor said started six months ago.
“The patient went for counseling and took Risperidone. This delusion was cured due to the medical intervention. After a series of counseling sessions, he stopped indulging in homos*xual activities. Now, the patient is recovering and we are measuring his progress during periodic check-ups.”
Risperidone is commonly used to treat psychosis in schizophrenic and bipolar patients

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