Thursday, 31 March 2016

Paul Okoye: Singer shares workout photos from Squareville

Paul Okoye leaning on his Mercedes Benz.

Now that the dust has settled following their epic drama over the last month, Paul Okoye has shared some sexy workout photos of himself at the Squareville.

The fact that the photo managed to show the Squareville name emblazoned on the wall of the house, goes a long way to show that the brothers are settling down to business as usual, pretty nicely.
Paul shared the black and white photos today, March 31, showing him doing push ups using the railings of the pool in the family owned mansion, while showing just how hard he works to keep that buff bod we all drool over.
Paul Okoye
He shared one of the photos, commenting simply:
One of the best features of the singer as well as his twin brother,Peter Okoye, has always been their buff bods, and we can now appreciate just how hard they work to keep them that way.
Paul Okoye


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